Tuesday, April 29

Resin Jewelry

I have been experimenting with resin this past month and finally have some finished pieces. It's an involved, multi-step process, but a very versitile medium that affords endless possibilites. The necklace above was painted on two seperate layers within the resin, which gives it a really neat 3-D effect that is hard to capture in the photo.

When I first got the itch to play with resin, it was with the goal of duplicating my most favorite necklace. It's a tiny little rosebud in a clear resin pendant, so simple and sweet and I just love it. So I played around a bit with embedding flowers in resin, but haven't been really happy with any of them so far. Here is one of them, a miniature yellow rose. It's tiny (about 1" in diameter) and very pretty, I think, but just seems to be missing something.

I'm going to keep trying with the flowers. There is really so much you can do - embedding all variety of objects, playing with color, making layers, mixing resin with metals...
Which creates a problem, because my mind keeps bouncing around from one idea to the next without just focusing on one project and getting it done. So, I'm going to give myself a task - this weekend I am going to work with embedding flowers, FINISH a few, and post the photos by Tues of next week. (Alana, you can bug me if I don't follow through.)

Here are a few of the painted pendants. Yes, I love flowers!

And another project I saw and had to try...photo transfered images onto polymer clay. I think they turned out pretty cute. I'll be keeping my eye out for some different fun images. Let me know if you have any ideas...

1 comment:

  1. Wow those are soooo pretty! You did such a professional job! Very creative and unique.
