Tuesday, January 20

Craft Space Make-Over

Yeah! After a year of making jewelry on the dining room table and reading emails while the boys fling scrambled eggs through the air, I finally have my own space. Here's the old space...

Not bad; I did have a cabinet and some drawers. They were just not enough, however, and I had piles of stuff proliferating across the counter space. Not only an eyesore, but quite counter-productive as well. I'm sure every task has taken twice as long as it should have merely because of the time involved in finding things, pulling them out, then re-stuffing them somewhere hurriedly before and tiny hands have a chance to break/hide/lose them.

But those days are over, I hope. Introducing my new office and crafting area...

Ta-da! Now, I know it's not in any way aesthetically pleasing, that will come later. But it is organized, with items easily accessible and grouped by purpose (resin casting, sanding/finishing, beading, shipping, etc.) I still have some more sorting to do...

All these containers and cups have resin and glass pieces in various stages of completion. Previously, these were stacked up, shoved away, and mixed up to such a degree that I had no idea what I even had, let alone what I was supposed to be doing with them. As you can see, there are quite a few items there (100 or more?) that I've already spent a significant amount of time on. Now I can finish them and get them listed in my shop.

I did add a little cuteness to my work space. I LOVE live plants and flowers - this one has such vibrant, happy colors. The candy jar, alas, is empty...for now...

And who's this little cutie? Her name is Shiloh, made by Sigourney from Godigo. Until now, she was also cast into the obscurity of living behind closed cabinet doors, but now she is free...
Free to breathe the fresh air, feel the warmth of the sunshine, and maybe... even snag a chocolate kiss from that jar...


  1. It looks cute me. Organizing in it's self is pretty.

  2. Wow, I am jealous! I would love a craft area! I think it looks great!
