Monday, July 27

10 Great Etsy Tips

I just wanted to share this great list of tips from Timothy Adams on getting more traffic to your Etsy shop:

There are some oldies but goodies in there, as well as some new ideas (for me, anyway). Here are the ones I plan on implementing right away:

1. Using Google Analytics to determine the optimal listing time for your shop.

2. Listing measurements in both inches and centimeters.

3. Providing your shop name as one of your tags. (I've already done this in random listings, but I also added my personal name in a few as well, in case friends or family are trying to find my shop...)

4. I read another of Tim's tips that is not in the above list, and I couldn't find it to link to...but he suggested writing descriptions in the 'active' not 'passive' tone. For example instead of "this was made from recycled wool", you would say "I made this from reclaimed wool" or "I made this by recycling a beautiful reclaimed wool sweater." (I made those up, his examples were better...sorry...)

I had been writing my descriptions in a far less personal tone, trying to mimic a catalog description I suppose. But his tip made me realize that whole point of handmade items is emphasizing the beautiful originality and all the hard work you put into it!

Lastly, I just had to share some of my favorite pictures from our mini camping trip this past weekend:

Plaskett Creek Campground, on the beautiful Pacific Coast Highway

(That's a smile.)

Me and my boys...

Hubby finally getting some down time. Hey, where are the kids anyway?!

Aww, aren't they just the sweetest?

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