Wednesday, March 3

Quiet - Work in Progress...

To me, one of the greatest appeals of working with resin is the ability to use it with so many other mediums. It lends itself beautifully to intigration in designs of metal, wood, plastic, clay, fabric...

I first noticed and became interested in resin while reading a book about precious metal clay, or PMC. The mention of resin was just a small part in the back of the book - but I was hooked!

So I've decided to dust off some of those tools I actually aquired for working with metal clay, and explore some ideas I've been pondering for resin.

I'm not sure if any of these will work out as I imagine...

But it's worth a try!

Lovely, lovely color!

And butterflies, of course! (Can't help myself, I guess - it's an addiction!)

Fun looking tools - my boys are drooling with envy...

How sweet.

Aiden is intrigued...

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