Monday, July 5

Obsession Alert: Long Necklaces...

Recently, every time I go into any clothing store I can't stop drooling over the variety of lovely long necklaces. I am in fact obsessed with them.

The only thing that has saved me from gobbling these beauties up and landing myself into the poorhouse is that little voice in my head that says "Wait, I can make that!" (Sounds familiar, right?)

But, of course, I never actually do make that necklace - or bookshelf - or faux bed canopy...

Until now...

I've pulled out the loads of beads and baubles lurking under the table in my craft room and finally have actually made something. A few somethings in fact.

I'm loving the combination of leather cord, gemstones, and multiple chains:

Blue Orb Necklace

It's been a nice change to make something different than my usual simple pendant style necklaces.

I am definitely feeling motivated to get working on making that bed canopy..

What have you seen in the stores that you just knew you could make yourself? I'd love to hear...

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