Friday, September 23

Back in the Saddle...A New Baby...and a Coupon!

So I'm now a mom of 3 boys! After an easy month filled with lots and lots of snuggle time, I'm finally getting back into some sort of productive routine. Of course our newest munchkin had to time his arrival with the start of school, which throws part-time homeschooling into the, while I say I'm "back in the saddle" I actually feel a bit more like the sheriff in this clip:

I figured it's time to take the leap and re-open the shop.

Eek! says me...

But really, I think it will be just fine. I'm going to hold off on doing custom orders for a bit longer just to keep it simple, but that likely won't last long.

As a special new baby celebration, I'm offering a special discount through the end of September. Enter coupon code 20OHBABY and receive 20% off your order! So stop by and pick out something special...

Finally, for your viewing pleasure, here are a few cute baby pics...
(Don't worry, I know how much everyone enjoys pictures of other people's children, but I'm a very proud mama so I HAVE to do it once, and get it out of my system....maybe.)

A very, very new baby.

My 3 sons!
(And yes, everyone asks if we're going to try for a girl...nope!
I love having boys - crazy, funny, goofy, and oh-so-sweet boys!!)

Skinny little won't last long!

Yes, I an in LOVE - again!

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