I quite dutifully packed the camera, various zoom lenses, charging pack, everything....except the CF card, so no pictures this trip! Which really only enhanced the whole experience. There were I'd say, about a billion or so fantastic photo opportunities; the weather was PERFECT - at least 70 all day (yes, that's January in California!), sun shining, waves crashing, but alas I could not take any photos - I had to simply live the moment and enjoy it for pure enjoyments sake. Quite liberating actually.
So here are a couple of stock photos for your viewing pleasure...

Now, the other item I just had to mention is that Shiloh has a new friend!
But first, I have to show off the amazing packaging she came in. This wonderful treat came from Yoborobo, please check out her Etsy shop here.
This is by far the most fabulous packaging I have ever seen from any Etsy seller (or any other seller for that matter). Especially considering my purchase was only $6. But she did not skimp on the packaging in any way. Included for free was a darling handmade "Owl Love You" card and a cute felted red heart pin.
Wow, it really made me feel special! And made me feel that my purchase was very special too...
"Sally is a small owl with a big heart. She partial to sunny days at the beach, and romantic strolls through the park. But if she can’t have that, she would be thrilled to come home with you and adorn some part of your life: your cubicle, your car, your work-out bag. Sally isn’t picky." (from yoborobo's description)
Wow, the Mint Room at the B&B looks absolutely stunning! Thank you for sharing. I'll be putting this on my wish list for when my sweetheart I and go up to SF.
very cute items!
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